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Imprint/Data protection statement


​​​​​​​Non-EU citizens

All Non-EU citizens require a visa. However, a visa is not required for visits of up to 90 days in an 180 day period for nationals of those countries for which the European Community has abolished the visa requirement.
You may apply for short stay visas (Schengen Visas) at diplomatic missions of the German Federal Foreign Office.
Please also visit the homepage of "Auswärtiges Amt" to find a detailed table of all countries requiring a visa and also more information about visa regulations, as well as a list of German diplomatic missions around the world.

Data protection statement

Submit your current research results in the form of abstracts and be an active part of our interdisciplinary program.

Accepted abstracts will be incorporated into the program either as short talks or ePoster presentations. Please note that abstract presentations will be included in the existing sessions and there will be no sessions for abstract authors only. This will increase the reach of your contributions and make them heard.

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