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Notes on abstract submission

  1. Please create your own account under "Author sign up". You will then receive an email containing your access key. Please note that the email with your personal access key could also find its way into your junk or spam box. If you did not receive any notification by email after 60 minutes, please write an email to abstract@conventus.de.
  2. Please log in with your access key and your email. You will now be able to submit an abstract under "Abstract Submission" by following the indicated steps.
  3. Please note that the Conventus GmbH is in charge of the layout and format of the abstracts but will not correct spelling. The content will be published as submitted.
  4. After successful abstract submission you will receive a confirmation email. Please mind your junk or spam box as well.
  5. You may now log in any time to submit more abstracts or to make changes to abstracts already submitted until 22nd November 2024.  
  6. Please note that the scientific committee reviews the abstracts and therefore the primary preference of oral presentation or poster cannot be guaranteed.

Authors' information

  1. Abstracts can be submitted as oral or poster presentation. Oral presentation will be included in the sessions of the programme with approx. 15 minutes speaking time each. Posters will be presented as conventional paper posters in poster sessions. 
  2. Please keep to the limit of 2.000 characters for your abstract text (including references and spaces, not including: abstract title and names of the authors).
  3. Abstracts have to be submitted in English only.
  4. If your abstract contains tables or images, they can be submitted in gif or .jpg format. You can upload up to 2 images/tables (max. 500 KB each). Please note, that they may be printed in black and white. Images and tables will be shown below the text.
  5. Please use the function "Insert custom character". Otherwise, we cannot guarantee the correct presentation of your abstract in the supplement.
  6. Presenting authors will be informed whether the abstract was rejected or accepted as talk or poster after the reviewing process.
  7. Presentations have to be prepared and given in English. Duration of regular oral presentation and discussion will be announced with the acceptance mail.

Registration: The presenting author must be a registered participant. Please note that the presenting author is not automatically registered by submitting an abstract. Regular registration is obligatory and binding and implies payment of the registration fee.

Your support

Stefan Regge

Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH